Archive | September, 2013


27 Sep

Today is THE day. Only 4 hours left until I arrive at the title company and sign a BAZILLION papers. I need to remember to stretch out my fingers for this.

I was a nervous wreck up until yesterday when my amazing realtor and friend, Lauren, called and explained everything that would be happening today. It took about 15 minutes after that for me to calm down, but now I am relaxed. All I have to bring to the closing is myself, my ID and a check. Thank goodness.

Good news is that my parents and boyfriend are on their way from Houston for support and to help me unpack my belongings all weekend. Oh! My dad decided to bring the dogs. Just the thought of those monsters being here was an added stress I wasn’t looking forward to. But both my mom and dad and my boyfriend calmed me down and let me know that it would all be OK.

So for now I am going to get myself ready (I’m only stressed about what I’m going to wear now!), eat some breakfast, stop by the bank and head on over for my final walkthrough.

Wish me luck!



P.S. I wanted to add a google image of signing papers, but they are all man hands. Why? haha

There’s no place like home

25 Sep
Balloons added with PicSayPro

Balloons added with PicSayPro

Recently I purchased a David Weekley home in Austin, Texas (my current city) in the Mueller Development, which is located to the east of IH-35 between Airport and 51st Street. Thinking back, I should have began posting my trials and tribulations from the beginning of this whole house searching saga. Now that it is ALMOST all over with (I close this coming Friday), I decided I should blog about my experience and first year of home ownership.

This last week has been a bit overwhelming and stressful. I’ve had many appointments, scheduling issues, packing issues and more. On top of all that, I was promoted at work and now I’m learning all sorts of new things. So my brain is a bit fried with two very major life changes happening at the same time. But hey, that’s life for ya. I’m trying to keep my sanity and stay positive. My family, friends and loving boyfriend are offering me the best support. I owe so much to them and am truly grateful they are in my life. I’ll write more on that subject later.

For now, my goal is to help others, myself included, understand what it is like to be a first time homebuyer in my late 20’s and technically single (There’s no ring on my finger). The main topic of this blog over the next year will be what it is like to be a homeowner (decorating, maitenance, life in Mueller, etc.) but there will still be posts about lifestyle subjects , too (fashion, recipes and more).

Thanks for coming on this journey with me. Although I still call the house I grew up in “My Home”, I’m hoping to soon accept that I’m growing up and this will now be My “no place like home” home.


